Thursday, July 10, 2014

Uprising Issues in Iraq

  An al Qaeda breakaway group, that is apparently supported with other Sunni groups and fighters, have captured large portion of northern Iraq. Recently taking northeastern Syria, to create an Islamic state or caliphate. The Iraq's minority Sunnis accuse the Prime Minister Nouri al- Maliki of discrimination. Many blame the Prime Minister for refusing to form a more inclusive government. Because of this, many militant fighters take advantage of the breakdown and cross the border. The Iraqi territory recently seized by militants is populated mostly by Sunnis, many that see the Prime Minster more of a threat than the Islamic state. The Prime Minister is unwilling to share powers with the Sunni Arabs. The Sunni Arabs, of course protested. Thousands were arrested or detained and hundreds were killed by the government. Obama promised to send military aid to help Iraq fend off insurgency.
  Recent development have renewed the possibility that Iraq will be divided into 3 separate regions or nations. A Shiite section, a Sunni area, and a Kurdish zone. 
  ISIS, an acronym that is named the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, refers to the group's stated goal of restoring an Islamic state or caliphate. ISIS is a brutal group that is currently in conflict with al Qaeda. This is a political civil war about one group ignoring the needs of the other portion of their country. This fight is more of a power struggle than a religious war.

Religious War or not? 
What is going on with Iraq?
What is going on in Iraq (CNN)

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