Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Fault in our Media

  Privacy is becoming a growing issue in social media. Current social media has been selling information about their consumers to other companies. Over the last decade social media has constantly been changing their privacy policy. AT&T has changed their privacy policy to saying that they are allowed to go into your phone and search the history and watch your every move on your cell phone. Very often companies change their privacy allowing themselves to enter your phone and sell information about you to other companies.
  What is private actually is not private. Even if you privatize your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and etc. companies track where you go, what you like, where you work, and can very quickly track and watch what you you post and etc. If a consumer has an Iphone their screen might say "it will take you about 20 minutes to get home". How does your iPhone know where you live? Apple is constantly monitering your phone; they are using their gps to track where you go during your day.
   The government could make a simple solution to the problem of privacy. Allow socail media to sell cookies and locations  ONLY if the user approves. The media should also allow the consumer to use their network even if they do not want to sell their information. 
   Further more, it is the governments responsibility to protect it's citizens. The same goes for the citizens privacy. Privacy is very important because it makes people feel like they are not being suspected and give people a peace of mind. On the other hand, it is the citizens responsibility to be responsible on social media. The company can not stop the person from saying anything but the company should be more reasonable and understanding. Companies should not be selling information and should be more responsible to correct their privacy policy. 
  The government should require a warrant before invading someone's personal gadget and check the post before accusing the person. It is the governments responsibility to protect and people and be justified. 
   The person should be able to post what they want, have their privacy, and not be questioned by the government.
   All in all, socail media has many faults and because if it our government is wrongly accusing people of threats, people are being used for money, and no ones accounts are truly safe. 

I spend much time on you tube

1 comment:

  1. Clever title and picture, what is this "true network" you speak of in the 3rd paragraph,please elaborate Mr./Ms. Unknown. Btw you frequently misspelled social media, but that doesn't take away from the multiple strong paragraphs that constituted this wonderful post about "The Fault In Our Media." Btw those two links at the end do not work.
