Thursday, June 26, 2014

Do We Have Privacy?

   Privacy on the internet is a big controversy for people who use social media. Over the years many social  media has been changing their privacy policies, making users have less privacy than they really believe. Some examples are Facebook and Google

   Since Google is a free search engine, it collects information and data from its users to sell it to other companies for their use. Many search engines uses cookies to track down people's search history from their own computer. Many people currently uses Google's web browser, Google Chrome. This means Google has total control to track your search history. There was also a video showing how Google Chrome records what you type on your web address and collect that data to send to Google servers for their search suggestions. 

   Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and other medias does not give you the privacy you want, it will only limit them. For example, Facebook over the years made their privacy settings for their users more public to the world. 

   I think  the government should have responsibility to protect our privacy. Like the Fourth Amendment , we have the right to our privacy. I believe it includes our privacy online, not only for unreasonable searches. We shouldn't be living in fear that our information is not private or that people can wiretap our phone conversations. Many people want some things to be kept to themselves and people, such as these companies using our data, should understand and respect that. The companies should at least inform us and let us have permission to approve or disapprove of them using our data for their own use. In this day of age, social media is an interesting and cool feature that many young teens and adults like and enjoy, but it also has its sneaky and sly downside. As people using these features, we should know what the dark side of using social media.

The Fault in our Media

  Privacy is becoming a growing issue in social media. Current social media has been selling information about their consumers to other companies. Over the last decade social media has constantly been changing their privacy policy. AT&T has changed their privacy policy to saying that they are allowed to go into your phone and search the history and watch your every move on your cell phone. Very often companies change their privacy allowing themselves to enter your phone and sell information about you to other companies.
  What is private actually is not private. Even if you privatize your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and etc. companies track where you go, what you like, where you work, and can very quickly track and watch what you you post and etc. If a consumer has an Iphone their screen might say "it will take you about 20 minutes to get home". How does your iPhone know where you live? Apple is constantly monitering your phone; they are using their gps to track where you go during your day.
   The government could make a simple solution to the problem of privacy. Allow socail media to sell cookies and locations  ONLY if the user approves. The media should also allow the consumer to use their network even if they do not want to sell their information. 
   Further more, it is the governments responsibility to protect it's citizens. The same goes for the citizens privacy. Privacy is very important because it makes people feel like they are not being suspected and give people a peace of mind. On the other hand, it is the citizens responsibility to be responsible on social media. The company can not stop the person from saying anything but the company should be more reasonable and understanding. Companies should not be selling information and should be more responsible to correct their privacy policy. 
  The government should require a warrant before invading someone's personal gadget and check the post before accusing the person. It is the governments responsibility to protect and people and be justified. 
   The person should be able to post what they want, have their privacy, and not be questioned by the government.
   All in all, socail media has many faults and because if it our government is wrongly accusing people of threats, people are being used for money, and no ones accounts are truly safe. 

I spend much time on you tube

Internet Privacy For Users

Privacy on the internet is a well-known issue. Once a person submits something online, such as on Twitter or Facebook, their posts are able to be viewed around the Internet by strangers and friends alike. It leaves behind traces of personal information that should remain private. Companies track down these trails and sell the info to other companies, therefore violating the person's rightful privacy. It is the government's responsibility to protect the privacy of users and to take steps in preventing personal info from leaking out. It is their job to shield and support their citizens.
On the other hand, this also makes it a good reason for the government to overlook the actions of Internet users, what websites they have clicked on, what they have posted, and what they looked up on Google. After all, how can they protect if they don't know what the users are getting themselves into? This causes another issue on privacy from the prying eyes of the government.
Internet users should be able to have their own privacy. They should be allowed to post on Twitter or Google and not have to worry about whether or not their information would be stolen and hacked into. However, the government does have the right and responsibility to hover over their citizens. It is their job, after all. Still, the government should not have complete control. Many users are old and mature enough to be careful on the Internet and to take steps to contain their private information, so the government should not hack into everything and should just watch from a distance, taking action only when it calls for it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The good and bad things about having privacy on the internet

The Good and Bad Thing About Having Privacy on the Internet

There are many good and bad things about having privacy on the Internet. Many people like having privacy from other people on the Internet while some others don't. Many Internet websites don't do that such as Youtube, Facebook, Google and many others. Youtube is dangerous because if you have a Youtube account and post a video sometimes the details about the video usually under the video might tell where you live, or email address. If your email address is on there your email could be open to hackers. Another thing that is dangerous about Youtube is when you like, dislike, or comment on a video. Usually it is when you comment on a video set up by hackers your Youtube account could be hacked and steal a lot of information. I think on Youtube that they should have more of their own privacy. The government and the company also has the right to go into your own Youtube account and see what you are watching posting and commenting. When you are commenting threats and things that are treasonous no matter what your age is they might come into your house and arrest you. This is good and bad. If you are young and just posted a threat or treasonous things as a joke they should not arrest you because it is a joke. On the other hand if it was serious to kill someone or do treasonous things against the country they should be arrested of 1st degree murder or treason. Youtube is one of the websites that do not protect much of a person's privacy. I think that there are many bad things and good things to have privacy on the Internet

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hackers And Their Connection To Internet Privacy

Video on how hackers can affect internet users' privacy.
Because of hackers and their abilities, many citizens are afraid of them for finding out information. This may sound scary, but at the same time, hackers also help by making privacy rules more strict so that privacy is harder to invade.

The Privacy of Internet Users

     Privacy is something we all need but often don't have. Users on the internet may think that the government has all the responsibility to protect an individual's privacy, and I agree to some extent. Governments shouldn't have the right to invade and see what users are doing, although this is a good way to catch criminals more efficiently. However, most of the responsibility should be given to the user to protect their own privacy. If there are pictures and words that aren't appropriate for the public to see, it is up to the user to make good judgement and not post. Even if companies didn't behave and sold information to the government, there wouldn't be anything to hide if an user posted wisely. Of course, companies should behave better, and the effects of their misbehavior is that they are faced with the disappointment and distrust of users. The unwise users would also be upset at the unfairness of companies, but the responsibility should have been on the user to use the internet properly. To add on, other effects of this situation include making citizens more wary of the power the government has because of their actions.
     Nonetheless, I strongly believe that there is a problem with what companies know about you and can do because companies can sell that information to anyone who wants it. Despite wise use of the internet, the tiniest, meaningless things such as liking a post can affect you and be turned into meaningful information. If you are a student applying for college, any information can deeply affect acceptances to the college of your choice. For adults, companies will want to know if you have what it takes to be hired, and a like on someone's post can determine attributes to your personality such as whether you're smart or not. Managers are always looking for the better applicant, and this could easily cause a person to not get a job. Selling people's information is an invasion of privacy, and companies should not have a right to ruin opportunities. It's not right to take personal information and make it public when the owner of the information doesn't want it public.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Week 2 Prompt

Hey guys!
For this week, I want you to write more deeply about internet users. Does the government have a responsiblity to protect the privacy of individuals? Is the onus all upon the users to protect their own privacy? Should companies just behave better? What may some of the effects be?
Do you think there is a problem with what companies know about you and can do? Or not? And why?
Don't forget your post should be over a paragraph...
Ms. Krissy

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Gun Violence in America

Massacres and school shootings are now becoming the norm in America as a result of gun violence. As a result, politicians for the past decade have been debating whether to ban the right to own guns or to restrict the purchase of them. Protected under the right to bear arms, gun owners protest that gun violence occurs not because of the gun, but the psychotic gunmen themselves. Although there is much discussion on what to do with guns, these massacres and shootings have been rising in numbers.The government and the public have been fighting over the rights of guns when they really should be focusing on the mental health of others. Taking away the guns from the people is not the solution but prevention is what we really need to do. For every 100 american citizens, 89 bear firearms, yet there are no 89 gunmen. For every 100 american citizens there are 3 people who suffer psychosis, and so far there have been over 30 of these shootings not 89. The solution is what President Obama calls soul-searching  where the public is more aware of who suffers mental illness to prevent these shootings. Again, the gun owners of america say that the guns are not the problem but it is the "crazy" people who are. All in all the gun violence in America has been becoming common and the american public is what can prevent it.

Gun Violence

             The only thing that can stop gun violence is yourself. Today many people, including politicians are debating over gun violence.  In my opinion, the gun is not the one to blame. They're not at fault. The one at fault are the people who are using it. People who abuse guns use the media to blame. I understand where they're coming from. In this day of age, many video games include guns. Even some types of music contain guns, violence, and drugs and this influence people. But the reason why they're so many gun violence is because these people do not know the difference between reality and the fictional world. Guns are very easy to obtain. It doesn't take many requirements. The price for a regular shotgun ranges from $100 - $400. To apply for a gun, you would need to go apply with an application and a money order of $20. Then the last requirement is to take the 30-minute safety handgun test for $25. This means that many people can afford even one gun for about $145. In California, they do background checks, such as to see if you're mentally stable and do not have a criminal record. However, this does not help everyone. In some circumstances, a person can develop hatred for a person or become enraged after a heated argument and thus the emotion will take over their conscience. They will not know the difference between right and wrong. The only thought they will have is to hurt that person with the use of their gun. I do not think it's right to ban guns altogether, since the second amendment of the United States Constitution states that we as citizens have the right to bear arms. Instead, they should do stricter rules to obtain a gun. People who are allowed to get a gun should be police officers or a citizen that was from the army. Also the prices for gun and bullets should be raised. These can be results for less gun violence throughout the United States. 


It's sad. Shooting isn't fun. :(

A link. Much better. 

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

    On December 14, 2012 , twenty six people were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut. Before the shooting, Adam Lanza, 20, went to his mothers house. While he was there he stole three guns and killed his mother. The guns he stole were and AR rifle and pistols made by Glock and Sig Saucer. During that time, school was moving and approximately 700 students were present. Earlier that year, the principal locked the gates at 9:30 AM and by the time the gunman arrived the gates were locked. According to  authorities, the gunman shot his way into the school. The Vice principal, Natalie Hammond, and sociologist Mary Sherlach went to investigate. The gunman had killed the sociologist and wounded the vice principal. Lanza had gone into two kindergarten classrooms. Lauren Rousseau, a substitute teacher, and her 14 students were shot and killed.  In another classroom, Victoria Soto moved her students away from the door and the gunman had shot and killed her along with six other students. After some time, the police arrived and the gunman had shot himself when he heard the gunman approaching. The police had arrived 2 minutes and 47 seconds after the call was made. This school shooting shows that restrictions should be made for gun ownership and that the bullets allowed in one round should be lower giving people the chance to tackle or disarm the gunman.

Gun Control in America

   Over the last decade many shootings and gun violence has occurred in America. Many of the citizens are defending themselves by saying that it is their right to bear arms and be prepared for the worst. Over the years crime has grown in large amounts, proving that people need guns. But owning a gun has many consequences and they are also very easy to obtain. Being able to get a gun is relatively easy, a person would just go to a gun store and just have a background check that could take up from 5 minutes to 2 weeks. Further more, shooting at schools are becoming more and more frequent and, many innocent people have died or have been harmed. On the other hand people say that it is their right to own a gun because the police can't get there immdietaly and the person would need to be able to defend themselves during their vulnerable time. Also, owning a gun is an American tradition and so is hunting with guns. There are multiple solutions to decreasing the amount of gun violence in the U.S. A way to decrease the amount of gun violence could be to lower the amount of bullets that the handler could shoot in one round. Also, they could restrict the ages of who can hold a gun. The reason is, most school shooting are from young adults or teenagers. All in all, guns are very violent and cause much chaos; but people could use guns just for traditions or self protection. A solution to the chaos of gun violence would be to restrict the age of gun handling, as well as more thorough back ground, and shorter rounds. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Gun Control

Gun violence has recently become an important issue following several school shootings. Many people defend their ownership of guns because the Bill of Rights states that citizens have the right to bear arms. They also justify it by saying that they need them to protect them from criminals and burglars, to defend their children and homes in case someone breaks in. It also gives them a sense of freedom. Guns also aid people in hunting and sport. However, the massacres have proven that having a right to own guns also comes with a weighty price. These weapons are fairly easy to obtain, and more than forty to forty five percent of U.S. households own one. It can easily get out of hand. Because of the media, video games, and other factors, many young people think of guns as tools to dominate over others, and it is proven through the school killings that have recently happened. Because of the right to own guns, many innocent lives have been taken. As long as the weapons still exist, much more blood will continue to be shed in the future. To prevent the unnecessary violence, firmer laws should be passed. Stricter background checks must be enforced, and certain types of guns have to be outlawed. However, regulations still can't guarantee that  no one will get hurt, so I think that guns should be banned altogether. After all, statistics have shown that the number of robberies committed each year steadily decreased, so there isn't much of a reason to have guns lying around to protect your home. Thirty thousand deaths occur each year because of firearms, but if we manage to regulate them, or most preferably, ban them, then more than thirty thousand lives will be saved in the following years.

The Gun Debate in the US

An overly simplified version of the gun debate that is pretty humorous...

<iframe src="" width="600" height="369" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:600px;"><p><a href="//">CollegeHumor&#039;s Favorite Funny Videos</a></p></div>

Week 1 Prompt

Hi guys!
For this week I want you to write about gun violence in American society. Please discuss the effect of the violence AND what you think we should do about it. Don't forget to email me your email addresses if you haven't yet been added to the blog. Good luck guys and have a great weekend!
Ms. Krissy